Vox Church - Lead Pastor Justin Kendrick
Vox Church exists to spread the lifestyle of authentic Christianity for God’s glory and the transformation of our city.
708 episodes
The Life of Limits | The Slow Grow | Week 4
What idols are subtly taking hold of your heart today, and how can you create the necessary limits to focus on the Father’s love rather than the empty promises of the world?

The Seeking God Lifestyle | The Slow Grow | Week 3
Spiritual growth requires the intentional cultivation of our desires. How does this work? How can we learn to love God more?

Behold & Become | The Slow Grow | Week 2
The scripture calls us to love the Lord with all our mind. How do we grow our minds as followers of Jesus? What does the process look like?

From Today to Forever | More Jesus
Does your life make sense in light of eternity? Most people live for today, but God calls us to consider forever. In our end of year expansion offering, learn how eternity matters most.

From Comfort to Sacrifice | More Jesus
What makes the Christian understanding of sacrifice different? Why would we sacrifice comforts? On commitment Sunday, we explore the powerful truths that propel believers in Jesus to live beyond our own comforts and choose sacrifice joyfully.

From Cynicism to Hope | More Jesus
Hope is in short supply these days. How does the gospel inform our hope? How do we break out of the cynicism of our time?

From Control to Trust | More Jesus
We all love the idea of staying in control. But are you really in control? The Christian life calls us to move to a place of deeper and deeper trust. How do we do it?

From Owner to Steward | More Jesus
One of the most challenging topics of life is the management and use of what we own. But according to the Bible, we don't actually own anything. Stewardship is a challenging concept in our modern time. What does it mean? How do we live as stewa...

From Orphan to Son | More Jesus
Welcome to our "More Jesus" end of year vision series! This series outlines next steps for growth in our church community. Together we will explore six mindsets that lead to spiritual awakening. The first is from orphan to son.

God's Holiness is Good News
The holiness of God is an often overlooked aspect of his character. What does it mean to say God is holy? Why is this so important to a life with God?

The Answer
Everyone is thirsty. Even deeper than our natural desires, every one person suffers from spiritual dehydration. How can we quench our deepest thirst? There is an answer.

The Near Solution
How should Christians think about suffering? What tools does God provide for trials? The answers are not always what we want, but they are exactly what we need.

There Is A Chair
Inside every heart, there is a chair. Someone or something sits in it. Who sits in your chair? What serves as your source? What gives you strength for tomorrow? Spiritual endurance grows as we find better answers to bigger questions.

The Weakness Paradox
Hurricanes in the circumstances of life can be very challenging. But the even bigger challenges come from hurricanes on the inside. How can we learn to overcome the storms within?